December 10th, 2018 → 10:33 pm @ Robin Donovan
I usually write all day Saturday and Sunday when I’m working on a novel. I have a portable writing desk and I make myself comfortable on our sectional sofa surrounded by my ipad for thesaurus needs, coffee or diet soda and my three bulldogs and their various antics.
My favorite part of the day is when I can wind down a writing session with a glass of white wine. In the summer I take it out onto the deck and breath in all the beauties of the outdoors. In the winter, I get the fire going and watch nature through large windows and skylights. It’s almost as though my diligence during the day has earned me the right to relax and enjoy nature – and wine.
Sharing ideas
Much of my first novel was written on a ski trip to Utah. After a day of skiing, I would sit in front of a fourteen-foot high window in our rental house, drinking white wine, gazing at the mountains and waiting for deer to pass by. It was amazing how much work I was able to get done in an hour or two each afternoon.
Conversely, when editing, I sit rigidly at the desk in my home office and plow through chapter after chapter. Even those areas that require a fair amount of writing do not get me to budge from my dedicated station. And I don’t look out the windows located behind me,
While writing or editing, I constantly save my work. I save two copies to a flash drive and two copies to my desktop. Whenever I get up to go to the bathroom, take a phone call, grab a bite or get out of the way of a determined bulldog – I save my file four times, sometimes eight when I want to double check. Hmmm, I guess I’m quirkier than I thought.
August 3rd, 2012 → 4:47 pm @ Robin Donovan
The third in the Donna Leigh mystery series is well underway. The working title is “I Wonder Why They Killed Him, He Wasn’t Really That Annoying.”
This is the first time our murder victim is male – and he’s also a friend of Donna’s.
The victim, Ed von Hapsburg is a former professional chef and, at the time of the murder, is the owner of a California vineyard and a wine distributorship. Ed’s background and interests will provide an endless supply of food and wine information and action venues.
The second in the Donna Leigh series “I Didn’t Kill Her, But That May Have Been Short Sighted” has been in edit for two months now.
March 23rd, 2012 → 4:40 pm @ Robin Donovan
It was awesome as I mentioned in my earlier post!
We got to meet so many people who are into helping dogs. Most of the attendees had already adopted dogs from Hearts United and wanted to be there to support the organization even further.
It was so much fun! People were bathing dogs, dogs were playing with each other, people were eating and drinking wine – and thankfully, buying books.
One enthusiastic supporter sent these adorable shots of my girls entertaining the troops! Thanks Trishna!
The girls were exhausted, but they seemed to know they were working for a good cause! They were such little angels – everyone commented on how good they were being with all of the commotion going on around them.
It was a great feeling to know that we helped to contribute to such a worthy cause. Everyone who donated to Hearts United: Soggy Paws, with the money for baths and a percentage of product sales, the Zin Room, with a percentage of the wine proceeds, Karen Craft with a percentage of her book, The Cosmic Purr and, of course, us with our Donna Leigh mystery and all of the wonderful attendees were there for a common cause – help make sure every dog has a wonderful home!