More on Hearts United fundraiser at Soggy Paws

March 23rd, 2012 → 4:40 pm @

Jazzy's wiped out

Jazzy's wiped out

It was awesome as I mentioned in my earlier post!

We got to meet so many people who are into helping dogs. Most of the attendees had already adopted dogs from Hearts United and wanted to be there to support the organization even further.

Robin and her girls

Robin and her girls

It was so much fun! People were bathing dogs, dogs were playing with each other, people were eating and drinking wine – and thankfully, buying books.

One enthusiastic supporter sent these adorable shots of my girls entertaining the troops! Thanks Trishna!

The girls were exhausted, but they seemed to know they were working for a good cause! They were such little angels – everyone commented on how good they were being with all of the commotion going on around them.

It was a great feeling to know that we helped to contribute to such a worthy cause. Everyone who donated to Hearts United: Soggy Paws, with the money for baths and a percentage of product sales, the Zin Room, with a percentage of the wine proceeds, Karen Craft with a percentage of her book, The Cosmic Purr and, of course, us with our Donna Leigh mystery and all of the wonderful attendees were there for a common cause – help make sure every dog has a wonderful home!


Miss Jazzy supports Hearts United at Soggy Paws

March 9th, 2012 → 10:41 pm @

Miss Jazzy was in her glory last night as she greeted guests and thanked donors for the generous contributions to the wonderful work done by Hearts United.

Authors Talk

Authors Talk

Great food from Zin

Great food from Zin

Jazzy and her two sisters, Roxi and Sweet Pea were joined by scores of folks all determined to chip in and help raise money for the incredible work done by the folks at Hearts United.

Jazzy and her two sisters, Roxi and Sweet Pea were joined by scores of folks all determined to chip in and help raise money for the incredible work done by the folks at Hearts United.

We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful organization doing great work nationwide located right here in Omaha!

Many attendees were parents of adopted Hearts United dogs and others were volunteers for the organization. Everyone generously contributed by buying products and washing their dogs using Soggy Paws’ facilities. Owner, Paul Rathe generously donated a percentage of proceeds from product sales and 100% of proceeds from dog baths.

Gracie Dancer

Gracie Dancer


Miss Jazzy



Omaha’s First Author’s Fair

March 9th, 2012 → 8:53 pm @

Saturday, February 18, 2012 was the date of Omaha’s first Author’s Fair held at W. Dale Clark Library downtown.



There’s no mystery to the mystery bookstore on 13th

March 9th, 2012 → 8:20 pm @

Just some very nice folks who like to get together and talk about murder mysteries. On February 25th I had the good fortune to spend the evening with the “regulars” at the Mystery Bookstore on 13th Street.  I met some interesting and very sweet people who asked very interesting questions, such as “How do you take something as serious as murder and turn it into a comedy?”



The Bookworm, Miss Madylyn and Clovis

January 30th, 2012 → 8:32 pm @

Miss Madylyn

Miss Madylyn

Thanks to everyone who made my debut book reading/signing at The Bookworm last Saturday a wonderful experience!

I feel extremely fortunate to have such incredibly supportive friends! So many of you gave up your spectacular Saturday afternoon to come down and help make my book event a success (I think I mentioned most of you by name on my events calendar – check it out).

I also met some awesome new folks and Miss Madylyn, who is a beautiful young Bernese Mountain dog with an adorable personality. Good thing I’m not too insecure because she was really the hit of the show!

The folks at The Bookworm provided a warm and cozy atmosphere – allowing dogs to participate really adds to the ambiance. So surrounded by friends – both long standing and new (including Miss Madylyn and her companion Ann) I attempted to give my audience a feel for the experience they can expect when reading my book.

Over time Clovis has become my favorite character, so I chose passages that featured her unique brand of charisma – or should I say anti-charisma?

I thoroughly enjoyed sharing my “star” character and reading about her antics. My audience was attentive and engaged, reacting to Clovis’ drama and asking great questions to wrap things up.

I would be remiss if I did not thank all of you who purchased books to cap off this amazing experience – it’s one that I will never forget!


A Huge Thank You to Grace Sears!

January 26th, 2012 → 7:55 pm @

Thanks Grace, for buying copies of my book for your book club. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to enhance your club’s experience.

And Happy Birthday!


LaVista Library Helping Aspiring Authors

January 23rd, 2012 → 10:05 pm @

Book Signing

Signing Books for Aspiring Authors

I am so grateful for the invitation to speak at the LaVista Library this past weekend. The group was obviously very serious about understanding the process of writing a book. They listened intently and asked great questions. I wish I’d had a chance to attend a talk like that before I started writing!

My star pupil was Jerry, who took tons of notes, asked terrific questions, bought a book at the end (thanks to everyone who bought books) and told the library representative that he was thrilled he saw the announcement in the paper.  His enthusiasm so incredibly gratifying. The library itself is gorgeous and they welcomed me so graciously – I’d go back any time!


LaVista Author Talk


Book Giveaway For Is it Still Murder Even if She Was a Bitch? – Winners from Arkansas, Missouri and Wisconsin!

December 28th, 2011 → 5:06 pm @

Congratulations to contest winners from Arkansas, Missouri and Wisconsin!

Check out all the details of the Goodreads book giveaway:

Three lucky people will win a copy of Is It Still Murder, Even If She Was a Bitch?

Book Giveaway For Is it Still Murder Even if She Was a Bitch?

Is it Still Murder Even if She Was a Bitch? by Robin Leemann Donovan
Is it Still Murder Even if She Was a Bitch?
by Robin Leemann Donovan(Goodreads Author)

Release date: Nov 09, 2011

Donna Leigh owns an Omaha ad agency. She is also an energetic and somewhat sardonic menopausal woman. When a former colleague is murdered, Donna becom…more

Giveaway dates: Dec 28-Jan 14, 2012
3 copies available, 50 people requesting
Countries available: US
Closed to entries in: 16 days and 15:24:33

your review

My rating:

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing



My Dog Family

December 22nd, 2011 → 7:38 pm @

Although we lost our Gracie, we are very fortunate to have Roxi, a little white English Bulldog with small reddish/brown spots on her body and more prominently on her ears. She is a spunky little sweetheart who knows what she wants and usually gets it.

Roxi came to us when she was a little over a year old.  She was the product of a divorce and apparently got very little attention, except from the 4-year old boy in the family. As a result she is both hungry for attention and hug-averse. We think because she may have been squeezed too tightly by the little boy.

It’s not uncommon to have her give you one of her soulful looks which spur you to want a big hug. When you move toward her with your arms outstretched you generally end up with an armful of air because Roxi has jumped to safety and has successfully avoided yet another hug. Here’s a hint, she’s not as fast when she’s really tired – so we enjoy a lot of “hug n’yawns.”

Then there’s big sis Jasmine (or Jazzy for short). She is the canine version of Mother Theresa. There was never a sweeter more gentle creature than Jazzy.



She’s beautiful with her shiny red coat and her sleek white head. Her one brown and one blue eye are a major source of curiosity to many who meet her.

Not only is Jazzy a wonderful and patient teacher to her younger sisters, she has a healing quality that draws her to anyone in need of healing. And let’s face it – who couldn’t use a little healing?

As a pup, Jazzy was sold to a hunter who threw her into a pen with grown hunting dogs. The poor thing was malnourished having to fight for every morsel of food. When the breeder realized her situation he took her back and we were lucky enough to get her. She was extremely shy of people and it took a long time for her to begin to trust, first us, and then friends and family. Jazzy loves being home with her family.

Our newest addition to the family joined us a little over a week ago. Sweet Pea was found wandering the streets of an Iowa town. Through Illinois rescue she was placed in a foster home and spent four months trying to overcome malnutrition and demodectic mange.

Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea

What an indomitable spirit she has. What this poor little thing has been through we will never truly know. We do know that it hasn’t left her wary and skittish around humans, nor has it made her timid or overly aggressive.

Her coat is far from full and luxurious – but she has some fur. Her skin is far from healed – she scratches and bleeds like she’s one big hot spot – but she is happy and sweet and anxious to complete her orientation into our family.

These are our furry babies and they give us great joy and they help us stay grounded. We are very fortunate to have them.

Sure, life will be different without our Gracie, but we were lucky to have had her for as long as we did, and she will always be with us. Now it’s time for a new chapter in our lives. Does anybody know how to stop chronic scratching?



Dedication to Gracie

December 13th, 2011 → 6:04 pm @

Gracie was a wonderful Olde English Bulldogge. She came into our lives just after her 5th birthday, having spent her early years as a career breeder. After she became deathly ill and could no longer be used to breed, she came to live with us.



