November 25th, 2014 → 6:47 pm @

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Full Text: I received a copy of Is it Still Murder Even if She Was a Bitch? by Robin Donovan for free through NetGalley. The title of this book caught my attention. I was looking for a fun witty read and was not disappointed. Donna Leigh owns Marcel, agency and her former colleague, Claire Dockens, ends up murdered after leaving a charity dinner. The first thing Donna wonders is if she will be a suspect. She, like many others, had been subject to Claire’s abusive personality and was not saddened when she left the company. I loved the characters in this book. In fear of having the finger pointed at them, Donna and her colleagues decide to do some detective work on their own. They are impulsive and fumble their way through their investigative adventure. Donovan does a great job with dialogue and the main character, Donna Leigh. This was truly and humorous and entertaining read. This review, or links to this review, may also be found on my profile pages as follows: Goodreads Amazon Pintrest Twitter Google+

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